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Alicia is a passionate writer with degrees in English and American Literature. Her journey through the worlds of fashion, culture and design is as fascinating as her literary pursuits. Beyond literature, Alicia is equally an optimist who loves life. Whether it's photography, knitting, pottery, or yoga, she's willing to try it all. Beyond trends and labels, she advocate for sustainability and ethical fashion practices. She believe in the power of conscious consumerism, and she strives to highlight brands that prioritize environmental responsibility and social impact.

55 Articles24 Comments
engagement ring for proposing

5 Things You Must Know About the Rings on the Ring Finger

Rings carry a multitude of meanings, encompassing concepts like marriage, affluence, camaraderie, and beyond. However, it’s intriguing to discover that the choice of...

a hand with thumb ring

8 Meanings of Thumb Ring You Should Know

In the world of jewelry, each piece has its own unique meaning. Among them, the thumb ring stands out as a versatile piece...

a hand wearing a snake ring

Who Wears a Snake Ring

If you're curious about who gets to wear a snake ring, read this article. We must help you make a choice.

A Hand Wearing Snake Jewelry-Gthic.com

Is Snake Jewelry Lucky or Unlucky

Join us on a voyage across eras and traditions, delving into the enigmatic realm of serpent-inspired adornments. Discover: fortune or fate?

dragon symbols on building


The dragon symbolism in the East has many differences from that in the West. Come and get to know the origin and meaning!

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